
Esther Comino Alvarez


Kids & Families - Clay
Clay Adventure

Esther bring Claytho, an ethnological project aiming to show the similarities of different cultures through their ancestral tools and physical expressions. The workshop name is Clay Adventure.

A clay and a natural dyeing studio with a folklore punk style, based between Madrid and Dhaka.

The activities with Esther are around clay. For example, after modelling clay like fantastic animals everybody will put all the animals together to create a fun animal world.

There will be also painting ceramics: the participants with unpainted typical tiles from Portugal and mediterranean culture will paint the tiles creating a mosaic. The paint will be made with natural pigments (which actually can be another activity to make) and there will be a gymkhana: a families competition around the young dragon area where they will have to find clues to discover a mystery around one specific topic.

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.