
Eli Ella


Ayurvedic Yoga Massage

Eli Ella is a massage therapist, activist, traveler, dreamer.

Disillusioned with the way of life promoted by Western society, she dedicated the last years to deepen her studies in mysticism, Ayurvedic philosophy, native wisdom, mindfulness, integrating the lessons learned from many beloved teachers.

Her love of ancestral cultures and esoteric teachings has taken her on many spiritual journeys around the world and it was during one of these quests that she discovered the healing power of her hands.

Since then her mission has been weaving, through the art of massage, soulful and heart-opening connections, hoping to plant the seed for a more holistic, kind and conscious approach in the way we relate to ourselves and to each other.

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The Bazaar (former flea market) is part of the beauty at Boomland events.