
Becky Hicks


Becky trained as a professional dancer in London working for more than 14 years on different productions and dancing with various artists around the world. She has choreographed and provided movement direction for well known artist world tours, music videos and short films based in Berlin.

Becky began to develop training where movement/dance is used as an exploration of the human inner landscape and a tool for release and healing. She has completed different teacher trainings; movement for people with chronic Neurological illnesses (Switch2Move); a technique called Non-Linear Movement method a somatic practice to release trauma, process and identify emotions and soothe the nervous system.

She trained in Qoya, a movement structure specifically for women and is a qualified yoga and restorative yoga instructor. She created a therapeutic movement class in 2016 combining all her experience (called Bodyflow) and has been teaching this around the world in a wide spectrum of environments and audiences since. She is the co-founder of ‘Kaynaktan’ which is a movement platform honouring ancient movement rituals from around the world.

She has worked for an NGO offering dance to kids in an orphanage in Indonesia, and setting up ‘Mindfulness and Movement’ within the curriculum for a school in a slum in Africa. Becky is passionate about the healing effects that dance has on the body, and the power it has to transform and alchemise stuck energy into creativity and flow. She believes the body is a gateway for deeper connection to and expression of our authentic self, whether it is a somatic experience or an expression of art.

In Being Camp, she will give three workshops:

Awakening Presence Somatic Movement Exploration - Exploring different ways we can move our body in space, a dance journey balancing structure and flow, softness with strength; inviting dynamic and non-resistant ways of moving into play..with acute awareness of the physical sensations in motion. Igniting presence and noticing what is moving within stillness.

BodyFlow Dance Journey, Catharsis and Recalibration - A guided dance journey weaving through spaces within the physical and energetic body, cathartically releasing stuck energy into creativity and flow. Encouraging an unwinding of the patterns of contraction we have a tendency to develop in everyday life. Recalibrating cells and reclaiming authentic expression.

Dance to Alchemise and Transmute - The body speaks to us through sensations, we will listen to that language, release stagnant energy, endorphins and encourage the intuitive wisdom of the body to guide our movements. Alchemising with awareness towards deeper clarity and connection to our internal world and all that is has to say…dance journey to a refined playlist.