Martial Arts

The Chi Energy Unlocking Our Movements

The Chi Energy Unlocking Our Movements

Immerse yourself in the transformative world of martial arts.

Engage in the graceful movements of Tai Chi, harness the energy flow of Qigong, experience the playful discipline of Kung Fu and explore the dynamic art of Jiu Jitsu. Let the rhythm and agility of Capoeira ignite your passion and delve into the profound philosophy of Tao. 

Embrace this opportunity to cultivate inner strength, enhance self-awareness and foster a deeper connection to the martial arts tradition.

Come and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment that will resonate far beyond the festival grounds.


You too, can be part of the Being. If you want to know everything first-hand or deepen your knowledge about the beautiful universe of the Being Gathering, please subscribe to our newsletter.